Male Breast Reduction To Treat Gynecomastia

Breast reduction surgery once was exclusively for the female patients of Knoxville’s Dr. Dean Kleto, but due to gynecomastia – the appearance of breasts on a man or boy – now more males than ever are undergoing the procedure.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), in 2015 men comprised more than 40 percent of the patients undergoing breast reduction surgery. And those 27,500 procedures performed in the United States represent a 35-percent jump since 2000.

ASPS President David H. Song said there is no typical male patient, as he has operated on the obese, the elderly, former weightlifters and younger men whose puberty brought on gynecomastia.

Dr. Kleto usually treats gynecomastia with liposuction, leaving little scarring due to incisions that are small and easily concealed. If there is a large amount of breast tissue to be removed, the incisions may need to be larger.

As for the recovery time, pain and swelling usually subsides within a week or two. Normal activities can resume in three to four weeks, although Dr. Kleto recommends six weeks pass before performing any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise.

If you live in eastern Tennessee and are considering male breast reduction for your gynecomastia, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Kleto by calling (865) 366-4755 (local) or (877) 907-0747 (toll free).


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