American Weight Loss Feeds Body Contouring Trends

It’s official: Americans are taking more interest in weight loss, and that trend is fueling the popularity of body contouring procedures like those performed by Board Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto.

According to new research released today by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the following procedures were formed more last year because men and women nationwide are trimming down and toning up:

  • Tummy Tucks
  • Thigh Lifts
  • Breast Lifts
  • Upper Arm Lifts

An ASPS spokesman added that plastic surgeons expect the relationship between weight loss and plastic surgery requests to deepen in coming years, and that massive weight-loss clients will continue to make up an increasingly larger sliver of plastic surgery practices like Dr. Kleto’s in Knoxville.

Here are four other telling trends from this new plastic surgery trend research:

Plastic Surgery Weight Loss Trend No. 1: In 2013, 179,000 Americans underwent weight loss surgery, averaging nearly 500 procedures every day.

Plastic Surgery Weight Loss Trend No. 2: Thigh lifts and upper arm lifts had their biggest single-year increase in five years in 2014, both up nine percent.

Plastic Surgery Weight Loss Trend No. 3: Tummy tuck popularity increased 4 percent in 2014.

Plastic Surgery Weight Loss Trend No. 4: Breast lift procedures increased 10 percent 2014.

Whether you’re interested in  body contouring because you recently lost weight, or you simply want to explore how to look and feel your best, please contact Board Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto online or by telephone to schedule your plastic surgery consultation: (865) 366-4755 or toll-free at (877) 907-0747.


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