When it comes to breast augmentation, your health is much more important to consider than your age. As long as you are free of major medical conditions, you can potentially benefit from breast augmentation at any age. In recent years, more women in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s have undergone breast augmentation than ever before.
In addition to your general health, you should consider the following factors if you are an older woman seeking breast augmentation:
- Skin quality – The condition of your skin will have a significant effect on how well your breast tissue can support your new implants. The rate at which your skin heals is also important to consider, since this can affect scarring.
- Cosmetic goals – If your breasts have lost volume over time and started to sag (called “ptosis”), combining a breast augmentation with a breast lift may be the ideal approach for the best possible results.
- Cancer screenings – While breast implants themselves will not heighten your risk of breast cancer or interfere with treatment, they may reduce the visibility of your breast tissue during a mammogram, thereby delaying detection. Submuscular implant placement is the best way to preserve the visibility of your breast tissue during an exam. It is also important to visit a clinic that knows how to properly perform a mammogram on a patient with breast implants.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Kleto will evaluate your skin quality, listen closely to your cosmetic goals, and address all of your questions and concerns about breast augmentation.
To find out if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation, please contact Dean Kleto, M.D. today or call (888) 431-4200to schedule an initial consultation with our experienced Knoxville breast augmentation surgeon. We serve patients throughout Knoxville, Sevierville, and Knox County, Tennessee.