Smoking and Breast Augmentation

The damaging effects of smoking on your body are widely known and well-documented. Heavy smokers have a significantly higher risk of health problems like cancer, lung disease, and heart disease. When it comes to breast augmentation in Knoxville, or any other type of surgery, smoking also interferes with your body’s ability to heal – which is why it is important to avoid smoking both before and after your procedure.

When you smoke, the carbon monoxide in your body lowers the oxygen content in your blood and tissues. It also causes the blood vessels constrict, which reduces the supply of blood to your skin. All of these problems make it very difficult for your body to heal properly after breast augmentation. You can expect a delayed recovery, increased inflammation, and problems with wound healing – including the risk of tissue death – if you smoke before or after breast augmentation. Additionally, smokers have a higher rate of capsular contracture after breast augmentation.

For all of these reasons and more, Dr. Kleto strongly recommends that you stop smoking for at least six weeks before your breast augmentation surgery, and refrain from smoking for at least six weeks afterward as well. Otherwise, you risk serious surgical complications that could compromise your health as well as your final results.

If you have further questions about smoking and breast augmentation, please contact Dean Kleto, MD today or call toll free (877) 907-0747 to schedule an initial consultation with our experienced Knoxville breast augmentation surgeon. We serve patients in Knoxville, Sevierville, and throughout Knox County, Tennessee.


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