Capsular contracture results from an immune system response to the presence of a foreign material in the body. Foreign materials can include any medical prostheses, including breast implants.
For most women in Knoxville, this normal healing process following breast augmentation does not present a problem. But in some circumstances, the capsule created by your body’s collagen can constrict, leading to pressure on the breast implants and an unappealing appearance.
Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture occurs with any type of breast implant. Capsular contracture is described using the Baker scale:
- Baker Grade I: Normal encapsulation of the prosthesis without contraction.
- Baker Grade II: Mild to moderate contraction, breast feels somewhat firm but appears normal.
- Baker Grade III: Breast feels firm, some distortion to the shape of the breast due to contraction around the implant. Implant appears more spherical and may move out of position.
- Baker Grade IV: Breast feels hard, distortion is pronounced. Contraction causes pain and discomfort.
The best treatment for advanced capsular contracture is surgical correction. The capsule may be cut or scored to reduce pressure but left in place, or may be removed altogether. The body will form a new capsule, but it is less likely to contract to the same degree. Submuscular breast implant placement can reduce the risk of capsular contraction and other breast augmentation risks.
If you would like to find out more about your options for treating capsular contracture, in Knoxville, Sevierville or anywhere in Knox County, Tennessee, please call Dr. Dean Kleto to schedule an initial consultation today at (865) 366-4755 or toll-free at (877) 907-0747.