Some plastic surgeons have reported a 30 to 40 percent increase in patient traffic around the holidays exactly because so many men and women want to receive plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, or a non-surgical aesthetic treatment as a holiday gift.
“We’re programmed to feel happy and joyful this time of year (so) sometimes people will have a procedure to lift their spirits,” one plastic surgeon told ABC News about the holiday gift phenomenon. “It’s usually a gift from a spouse or from a daughter or son to a mom.”
Here are some of the procedures that people frequently request as a holiday or birthday gift:
But it is important to note that you may be running short on time if you hoped to get your plastic surgery gift done before the coming New Year.
Plus, each patient’s recovery time is distinct. So it’s important to book your plastic surgery consultation now for any procedure that you intend to be a Christmas or holiday gift.
When you have questions about plastic surgery, turn to Board-Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kleto by contacting his practice online or dialing (865) 366-4755 or calling toll-free at (877) 907-0747.