As October comes to a close, ending Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s important to appreciate this moment of awareness and commit to remaining vigilant against this terrible disease every month in the coming year.
More than 200,000 cases of breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed next year in the United States. Spreading awareness about breast cancer and its effects on women is only a preliminary step in the battle against the disease. Diagnosis, treatment, and recovery are the true journey every woman with breast cancer must travel every day of the year.
For many women affected by breast cancer, mastectomies are a medical necessity for survival. However, the physical and emotional consequences of these life-saving procedures can leave women facing new sets of challenges: changes in appearance, the way clothing fits, a loss of positive self-image. For many survivors, this can be one of the most difficult steps along their journeys.
Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto understands the impact that breast cancer removal can have on the bodies and lives of survivors. He has helped many women reclaim their figures and confidence with breast reconstruction.
Dr. Kleto has created exquisite results using the acellular dermal matrix in his breast reconstruction procedures. The acellular dermal matrix is a uniquely prepared tissue that has been treated to eliminate cellular components that can result in rejection. Additionally, this process prevents the risk of viral infections in the replacement tissue.
Not only are Dr. Kleto’s breast reconstructions aesthetically balanced and beautiful, the use of the acellular dermal matrix in his procedures offers other important benefits, such as:
- Serves as a scaffold, which creates a better contour and eliminates the risk of scarring around the breast implant
- Provides better breast implant coverage
- Nearly eliminates the risk of capsular contracture
In many cases, Dr. Kleto is able to perform breast reconstruction the same day the mastectomy is performed by a general surgeon, although every situation is different. He will work closely with you and your general surgeon to design a treatment plan that works best for you and your unique needs.
Contact Our Knoxville Plastic Surgeon
To learn more about your breast reconstruction options, contact our office today online or at 865-524-2442 to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto. We serve patients in Knoxville and the surrounding areas of Tennessee.