How Soon Can I Wear a Bikini After a Tummy Tuck?

If you just underwent a tummy tuck, it’s natural that you’d want to flaunt your new body as soon as possible. Whether you just went through pregnancy and childbirth, or you’re putting the finishing touches on your weight-loss journey, a tummy tuck can be an amazing physical transformation that restores your self-confidence and body image.

How long until you can show off the new you? The answer to that is unique to every woman based on the specifics of her procedure, but it takes time for your body, and especially your surgical incision, to heal after surgery, so it’s likely you will need to wait several weeks before frolicking in the sun. Here’s a general guide to the timeline you can expect after your surgery.

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck?

Women who undergo a Tummy Tuck with Board-Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto often want to flaunt their new curves as soon as possible. During your procedure, Dr. Kleto will do the following:

·         Remove excess, baggy skin

·         Repair damaged or weak abdominal muscles

·         Eliminate C-section scars

·         Remove stretch marks

What Happens After a Tummy Tuck?

How quickly you recover will depend on your body’s natural healing abilities, your physical health, and other factors of the surgery. Generally, for the first week after your procedure, you’ll want to walk slightly hunched over to keep tension off the incision area. You’ll also want to sleep sitting upright, either propped up by pillows or in a reclining chair.

You will experience some discomfort and swelling afterward, as well. The pain should subside after about two weeks, and the swelling may persist for as long as six weeks. Your results will start to become apparent as your swelling diminishes. You’ll be able to return to work about two to three weeks after your surgery.

Although you should go on light walks every three to four hours as soon as you’re able, you’ll need to take some time away from your workout routine. This is especially true of heavy lifting and rigorous workouts. There will be plenty of time for the gym once your body has mended. Enjoy your new look without putting the healing process in jeopardy.

When Can I Finally Show Off?

For many women, three months post-surgery is the prime time to hit the pool or the beach. This allows your body to heal properly and gives your swelling enough time to dissipate. Tummy tuck minfographic

Some women opt to have a tummy tuck immediately after childbirth. If this is your circumstance, the surgery may put more strain on your changing body and require more healing time. If you’re planning on getting a tummy tuck soon after giving birth, shoot for the winter months. That way, by the time summer arrives, you will be swimsuit-ready.

Schedule Your Knoxville Tummy Tuck Consultation Today

Dr. Dean Kleto is dedicated to helping his patients look and feel their best. He has seen firsthand the positive effect a tummy tuck can have on someone’s life. Dr. Kleto serves Knoxville, Sevierville, Knox County, and nearby areas of Tennessee. Call (865) 524-2442 today to set up a consultation.


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