It’s been five years since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved of the same BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment that Board Certified Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto uses to smooth wrinkles, as a solution for chronic migraines.
“Patients with chronic migraine experience a headache more than 14 days of the month,” an FDA doctors said in a press release about using BOTOX® to treat chronic migraines. “This condition can greatly affect family, work, and social life, so it is important to have a variety of effective treatment options available.”
If you suffer from chronic migraine headaches, the symptoms of which may include nausea and light sensitivity in addition to head and neck pain, here are three things to consider when looking at BOTOX as a possible solution.
Headache Sufferer Tip No. 1: You will need to repeat your BOTOX® treatment roughly every three months.
Headache Sufferer Tip No. 2: You will need multiple injections. Allergan Inc., the company that makes and markets BOTOX® Cosmetic, recommends 31 different injections into seven sites around the head and neck for the most effective migraine prevention.
Headache Sufferer Tip No. 3: As with any medical treatment, there are risks and side effects to using BOTOX® for migraine prevention. Some of the side effects and risks recorded by the FDA include:
- Injection site pain or swelling
- Trouble breathing
- Trouble swallowing
- Underarm sweating
- Muscle spasms
- Double vision
- Droopy eyelids
But studies indicate that only a very small percentage of people who receive BOTOX® injections experience any negative reaction.
Plus, there also are positives associated with this treatment. In addition to curbing headaches, BOTOX® patients will enjoy smoother skin. Some people who suffer from depression and use BOTOX® also report that the treatment minimizes their bad days.
The best way to determine whether BOTOX® is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Board Knoxville Plastic Surgeon Dr. Dean Kleto, who also works closely with injectables expert Cynthia St. Germaine. Contact us online or call our Knoxville office directly to schedule your BOTOX® consultation: (865) 366-4755 or toll-free at (877) 907-0747.